Tourist Attractions
Samaipata, Santa Cruz
About nine kilometers from the city on the old road to Cochabamba lie the magnificent ruins of a fortress, known as "Fuerte de Samaipata" (Samaipata Fortress). The Samaipata Archaeological and Anthropological Research Centre has a collection that includes bowls, receptacles of various kinds and dishes. These have been decorated with anthropomorphic figures that date back to cultures prior to colonial times. Some of these objects are from around 200 BC. The center provides information about this Pre-Inca structure. The fortress also has a very complex drainage system, with several water channels and basins. Also, there are several sculptures made from single pieces of stone.
There is also proof that this used to be a fortress of the Kollasuyo Empire. It is recommend visiting the museum first, in order to understand better what this site and the culture are all about.
Recommended Tours:

Private Tour to Samaipata Fort, 1 Full Day

Samaipata El Fuerte Private Tour, 1 Full Day
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