Tourist Attractions

Puerto Suarez, Santa Cruz

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Puerto Suarez
Puerto Suarez Puerto Suarez Puerto Suarez Puerto Suarez

This town is located southeast of Santa Cruz, at 642 Km. from the city of Santa Cruz.

Puerto Suarez is the main landmark of the borderline between Brazil and Bolivia, and it is also the starting point of the tour of the Bolivian portion of the Wetlands (Pantanal). It is important to mention the presence of two major ethnic groups: the Chiquitanos and Ayoreos.

On the shores of Puerto Suarez is the Caceres Lagoon, which is a popular tourist attraction and has beautiful scenery and landscapes. It has a total surface of 80 km2 and is frequented by various animals such as: batos (jabirus), tapacares, alligators, otters and capybaras or water hogs. It also has several water channels which connect the lagoon to the Paraguay and Pimienta Rivers. The deer from the Wetlands and the deer from the mountains are typical species from this area.

At 8 Km. from Puerto Suarez are the Cuevas de Motacucito (Motacucito Caves), which have an approximate depth of 80 meters.

Towards the South there is the magnificent Mutun Mountain. The mountain is a single block of stone surrounded by brooks which are trapped between this gigantic rock and the forests that surround it. It is considered to be one of the biggest deposits of iron on the planet. In the proximity of this natural attraction there are several recreational areas where visitors can also see samples of rupestrian art.

Tacural is one of the attractions located at 35 Km. from Puerto Suarez. This area is famous for its forests filled with short rainforest trees and is a favored spot by fishermen. The area is also great for observing abundant flora and fauna.

Puerto Busch

Farther down to the South lies Puerto Busch, which is another entry point into the country. The Bolivian Wetlands form part of the scenery of the area which has provided shelter to the Chiquitanos and Ayoreos for centuries, ethnic groups which have retained their original traditions and customs.

Access to the Paraguay River is possible by crossing the Tamengo channel, which connects the heart of South America with the Atlantic Ocean through the Parana and Plata Rivers. There is a great variety of aquatic birds, alligators, capybaras, anacondas which are easy to spot during the summer. Going down this river it is possible to arrive to an area which has several large lagoons and abundant aquatic life: Mandiore, La Gaiba and Uberaba Lakes.

Around this area it is also possible to visit the mines where precious stones are extracted.

Parque Nacional Pantanal

The Parque Nacional Pantanal (Wetlands National Park) expands through an area that is divided into two major sections: the meridional-southern largest section and the smaller sections of the Wetlands.


The Bolivian Wetlands are a perfect region for fishing, navigating and observing mammals, birds and reptiles.

Visitors may also enjoy Photographic Safaries, Ethnic - Cultural tours, Sailing, Camping, Anthropology, Archeology


The Wetlands can be visited all-year-round, but the best season to observe as much as possible of fauna is during the summer.

When visiting the Wetlands, it is recommended to bring the following:
Light clothes, Comfortable shoes, Sun block lotion, Bottled water, Medical kit, Short trousers, Flashlight, Heavy jacket, Photogaphic or video camera.

The municipality is connected to Santa Cruz in the west and Brazil in the east by major roads and rail-links as well as by an airport.

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