Tourist Attractions

Town center of Cobija, Pando

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Town center of Cobija
Town center of Cobija Town center of Cobija Town center of Cobija Town center of Cobija

The panoramic beauty of Cobija seems like a work of art painted by the most capricious and audacious of artists.

The main square is one of the most interesting in Bolivia. Towards the south is an elevated landscape, with a vast emerald green prairie.

To the north is the Barrack of the Acre, to the west one can admire the beauty of the sun set, blinding and always different.
Its wavy topography is unique and contrary to other towns located in the forest, its streets present marked differences. The natural drainage system prevents the city to suffer from floods during the raining season.

Visitors can enjoy fishing amid a brave and savage nature.

It is also recommended to visit the following buildings because of their original architecture:

Edificio de la Prefectura

Alcaldia Municipal


Club Social de Cobija

Base Naval

Palacio de Justicia

Politecnico Agropecuario de Noreste

Mercado Publico

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