Tourist Attractions

Yungas, La Paz

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Yungas Yungas Yungas Yungas

This region is found almost three hours from La Paz city. It is considered a transition zone since it appears at the descent of the highlands, more specifically in the peaks of the Royal Mountain Range, and it begins the lowlands or Bolivian Amazon. The transition in flora and fauna is a result of this, as well as the rise in temperature as the valley descends, submerging itself in the characteristically humid tropical land. The landscape is a combination of green hillsides, precipices, rivers, cascades, and moderate vegetation.

The valley is divided into two parts, the northern zone (North Yungas) and the southern zone (South Yungas). The North Yungas is about a 3-hour trip from La Paz, passing by Coroico and Caranavi, arriving to the exuberant landmarks of Rurrenabaque and Santa Rosa, on the edge of the Ichilo River, enormously rich in fauna. This valley boasts a semitropical climate, plenty of vegetation, and beautiful panorama. Uchumani is also located here. The valley offers hostels, restaurants, accommodations, hotels, etc.

One can practice kayaking in the Coroico River and it is possible to navigate in inflatable rafts. From Coroico you begin your descent to the warmer region of the district where you will find populations at 700 m (2296 ft) above sea level, like San Pedro and Puerto Leon, others at 600 m (1968 ft) like Caranavi, Alcoche, Puerto Ballivian, Teoponte and Puerto Linares which is located at 400 m (1312 ft).

Because of its distance from La Paz, the South Yungas and Chulumani make up one of the more interesting regions for those looking to find harmony with their surrounding nature and rustic appearance, something that is impossible to find among the cement and lights of the metropolis of La Paz. The route passing the towns of South Yungas is attractive for those seeking to enjoy excursions, strolls, swimming, or camping. The main populations in this area are Yanacachi and Chulumani.


The main attraction of this region is the landscape and touring on mountain bike or trekking. Seen our section about Adventure Tourism

How to get there

Transportation leaves from La Paz towards the main cities or provinces of the region.


Wildlife observation, ecotourism, hiking trekking.




Caranavi, Rurrenabaque, Santa Rosa.

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