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Tourist attractions in Copacabana

Lake Titicaca
The Titicaca Lake is the highest navigable lake in the world with an average height of 3,810 meters above the sea level. The Titicaca Lake is a great tourist attraction for nature lovers. A portion of lake Titicaca belongs to Bolivia and the other one to Peru.Learn more

Copacabana is a small town located on the Bolivian shore of Lake Titicaca. This is the original Copacabana and a popular resort destination for travelers .Learn more

Island of the Sun
The Island of the Sun is located on the Northwest end of the peninsula of Copacabana, Bolivia. The Island of the Sun has several ancient monuments - The Pilkokaina Palace and the Chinkana or Labyrinth, The Stairway of the Inca, Sacred Fountain Youth and the Incas' Terraces.Learn more

Island of the Moon
The Island of the Moon (Koati) is located at 7 Km. from the Island of the Sun. The ruins of the Inak Uyu (Palace or Temple of the Moon) are found here.Learn more

Gold Museum
The small museum in Challapampa displays Inca treasures, ancient pottery and some metal objects discovered underwater off the island. Many come from Johan Reinhard's underwater research near the northern end of the island, others have been donated by the people of Challapampa.Learn more

Chincana Labyrinth
About 300 meters southwest of Titikala (Roca Sagrada or Sacred Rock) is an elaborate Inca ruin called the Chincana (the Labyrinth). Also named the Palacio del Inca, or El Laberinto, or labyrinth, these ruins on the top of Isla del Sol form the complex of the Titicaca, or sacred rock.Learn more