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La Morenada - Oruro Carnival Dance

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The Morenada dance mocks white men, who are depicted leading imported African slaves. Some highly embroidered and colorful costumes imitate pre-Columbian dresses.

The Morenada dance mocks white men, who are depicted leading imported African slaves.

Some highly embroidered and colorful costumes imitate pre-Columbian dresses. It is also one of the most popular highland dances, performed also during the Oruro Carnival.

Morenada Dance at the Oruro Carnival Morenada Dance at the Oruro Carnival

La Morenada was inspired by the sufferings of the African slaves brought to Bolivia in order to work in the Silver Mines of Potosi. The enormous tongue of the dark masks is meant to represent the physical state of these mine workers and the rattling of the "Matracas" is frequently associated with the sound of the slave chains.

Morenada Dance at the Oruro Carnival

Morenada Dance at the Oruro Carnival

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