Bolivia Bus Tickets
Traveling by bus in Bolivia is by far the most common and economic way to get around. However, the distances involved are huge and travel time may be quite long.
Popular Bus Companies
Cruz del Norte Bus: Calama Uyuni La Paz(see rates)
Titicaca Bus: Puno Copacabana La Paz Uyuni (see rates)
Todo Turismo: La Paz Uyuni (tourist night bus) - 44
Panasur Bus: La Paz Uyuni (tourist night bus) - 29
How to book your bus ticket:
Step 1
Request your ticket(s) specifiying departure date and route
Step 2
We will confirm availability and fare
Step 3
You accept our offer and send us your full name, passport number and nationality
Step 4
We send you a Paypal Invoice
Step 5
Once we recieve the payment, we send you your Confirmation Voucher
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